Simple Gradiant Script For Unity
Posted In 02 Jul 2015 Tagged With Unity CSharp
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class Gradiant : BaseVertexEffect
public Color32 from =;
public Color32 to = Color.white;
public bool linearAlpha = true;
public byte alpha = 255;
public enum Type { Horizontal, Vertical };
public Type type = Type.Vertical;
public override void ModifyVertices(List<UIVertex> vertexList)
if (!IsActive() && vertexList.Count < 1)
bool vertical = type == Type.Vertical;
float start = vertical ? vertexList[0].position.y : vertexList[0].position.x;
float end = start;
foreach (var vertex in vertexList)
float p = vertical ? vertex.position.y : vertex.position.x;
if (p > start)
start = p;
else if (p < end)
end = p;
float size = start - end;
for(int i = 0; i < vertexList.Count; i++)
var vertex = vertexList[i];
float p = vertical ? vertex.position.y : vertex.position.x;
vertex.color = Color32.Lerp(from, to, (p - end) / size);
if (!linearAlpha)
vertex.color.a = alpha;
vertexList[i] = vertex;